Williams Kherkher Hart Boundas LLP
Texas Mesothelioma Lawyer, Texas Asbestos Attorney, Mesothelioma lawyer in Texas, mesothelioma lawyers
If you developed malignant mesothelioma, asbestos-related cancer or another asbestos-related disease after you worked with or near asbestos as a contract worker, you need to contact our lawyers.
If you are a railroad worker who developed an asbestos-related disease, you may have a case against your employer under FELA, the Federal Employees Liability Act, which was passed in 1908 to compensate railroad employees who are hurt on the job.
Malignant mesothelioma takes 15-30 years to appear after the initial exposure to asbestos. It is a rare cancer of the lining of the lungs or abdomen, caused by inhaling or swallowing microscopic asbestos fibers -- often, without even knowing it.
Other lung diseases such as lung cancer and asbestosis also can be caused by asbestos. If you have another type of cancer or lung disease, and you also have a history of exposure to asbestos, call us to find out whether your cancer has been caused by asbestos.
If you have already filed a lawsuit due to asbestosis, and now you have also been diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma or lung cancer, you may be able to file another lawsuit.
If a loved one has died after working with or near asbestos, please contact us today.
No attorney's fees, court costs, or expenses, except for unpaid medical bills, unless you recover.
Williams Kherkher Hart Boundas LLP
8441 Gulf Fwy #600
Houston TX 77017-5051
Tel: 800 220-9341
