W Steve Smith
* Litigation
- Commercial
- Business
- Bankruptcy
- Professional Liability
- Construction
- Insurance Coverage
- Intellectual Property
- Health Care
- Personal Injury
- Energy
- Environmental Defense
- Employment
- Securities
- Muncipal and Governmental Law
* Arbitration
* Bankruptcy
* Texas State Bar Grievance Proceedings
* Pre-Suit Investigations and Negotiations
McFall, Breitbeil & Shults is a Houston-based litigation boutique law firm that specializes in the trial, arbitration and appeal of disputes, including commercial, business, professional liability, fiduciary duty, employment, intellectual property, health care, personal injury, insurance coverage, energy, and securities disputes.
The firm represents clients as both plaintiffs and defendants in state and federal trial and appellate courts, arbitrations of all kinds, and administrative proceedings, as well as in pre-suit investigations and negotiations.
Complex commercial and business litigation for plaintiffs and defendants forms the core of the firm's strategic focus. What sets the firm apart are the accomplishments of its founders, and their ability to break a case down to its essential issues so that if it cannot be disposed of early by summary judgment or a favorable settlement, then it can be resolved successfully at trial.
Board Certified, Business Bankruptcy - American Board of Certification
W Steve Smith
McFall, Breitbeil & Shults PC
4 Houston Center #1250
1331 Lamar St
Houston TX 77010
Tel: 713 590-9380
Fax: 713 590-9399
E-mail: ssmith@mcfall-law.com
* Bankruptcy
* Creditors Rights
* Debtors Rights
