Thomas P Sartwelle
Houston and Dallas, Texas Litigation Law Firm
Our experience in civil litigation is vast, with a client roster that encompasses many industries and covers all areas of civil litigation in nearly every legal forum in the country. Areas of litigation practice & industries represented include:
* Administrative
* Aircraft & Aviation
* Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
* Antitrust
* Appellate
* Banking & Financial Services
* Chemicals
* Class Action Defense
* Commercial Litigation
* Condemnation & Eminent Domain
* Construction
* Consumer Products
* Electronic Discovery
* Energy Litigation
* Environmental
* Financial Restructuring & Insolvency
* Franchise & Distribution
* Health Care
* Insurance
* Intellectual Property
* International
* Investigations
* Labor & Employment
* Maritime Litigation
* Mass Tort & Toxic Tort
* Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, & Biotech
* Products Liability
* Professional Risk
* Real Estate
* Securities Arbitration & Litigation
* Technology Litigation
* Transportation & Motor Vehicles
The firm represents professionals in cases involving claims for malpractice or other alleged wrongful conduct in the performance of professional services, either under professional risk insurance policies or outside of such policies. Claims include legal and accounting malpractice, insurance broker or agent liability, securities broker liability, and similar claims against other professional service providers. The defense of such claims involves all aspects of litigation, including initial case handling and consultation, discovery and case development, summary judgment, and other practices designed to reduce or eliminate the claims asserted against the professional. We assist clients in arbitrations, mediation, and other forms of alternative dispute resolution, and if necessary, trial or other contested case evidentiary hearings.
Board Certified Medical Malpractice Lawyer - American Board of Professional Liability Attorneys
Thomas P Sartwelle
Beirne Maynard & Parsons LLP
1300 Post Oak Blvd #2500
Houston TX 77056-3000
Tel: 713 960-7311
Fax: 713 960-1527
Areas of Litigation Practice
* Administrative
* Commercial Litigation
* Condemnation & Eminent Domain
* Consumer Products
* Health Care
* Insurance
* Pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices, & Biotech
* Products Liability
* Professional Risk
Thomas P. Sartwelle has forty-two years of experience defending and trying business, commercial, personal injury, product liability, and medical and legal malpractice cases. He also handles medical and legal administrative, credentialing and discipline hearings.
