Jim M Perdue
* Oil and Gas:
Perdue & Kidd, LLP handles a variety of cases in the oil and gas arena, including royalty underpayment claims, breaches of express and implied lease provisions, surface damage claims, and violations of Railroad Commission rules and regulations.
* Securities Fraud:
Perdue & Kidd, LLP is adept at handling claims arising out of securities fraud committed at the expense of innocent investors. With the recent financial collapse and exposure of multi-billion dollar ponzi schemes, investors need the type of aggressive representation that Perdue & Kidd, LLP can provide.
* Serious Injury and Wrongful Death:
Perdue & Kidd, LLP handles serious injury and death cases arising from a variety of events including transportation crashes, defective products, unsafe premises, burns, industrial incidents, oil field incidents, petrochemical explosions and fires, construction incidents, Jones Act, Longshore and Harbor Workers Act, and medical malpractice.
* Experienced Attorneys:
The lawyers of Perdue and Kidd, LLP are trial lawyers. The law firm handles cases arising from commercial disputes, oil and gas disputes, wrongful death, and serious personal injury. Each of the partners of Perdue & Kidd, LLP are board certified in personal injury trial law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization and are members of the exclusive American Board of Trial Advocates (ABOTA).
The lawyers and staff of Perdue & Kidd, LLP are committed to the proposition that ordinary citizens have the right to hold accountable those who have done harm. Whether a business makes choices that cause a tragic injury, an insurance company attempts to minimize claims to better its bottom line at the cost of both the claimant and taxpayers who have to foot the unpaid bills, or a corporation refuses to comply with the terms and spirit of a contract or the law, the firm believes responsibility depends on accountability. The civil justice system, and the right to trial by jury, is our country's equalizing force to achieve accountability.
The firm handles cases of different character, but always with a commitment to our client's cause. The firm specializes in cases that require aggressive prosecution with an eye toward trying the case to a jury. Whether the case is a catastrohphic personal injury case, a business dispute, an oil and gas matter, a claim related to molestation or sexual assault, or a whistleblower claim, the firm seeks to discover all the facts and present the case persuasively. Perdue & Kidd LLP has a successful history in handling these types of cases, perhaps because they require specialization and skills apart from generalized litigation matters.
Medical Injuries are unique. There is no governmental body or agency available for consumers to consult when they suspect they or a family member have been victims of medical malpractice. If a plane crashes, the Federal Aviation Administration thoroughly investigates, makes findings which are available to the public and recommends changes in equipment or personnel designed to prevent future occurrences. If a plant explosion occurs, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration proceeds in a similar manner. Vehicular accidents are investigated either by the city, county or state authorities and their findings are available upon proper request. Medical injuries, even in a hospital setting are different. When a hospital investigates one of its own medical misadventures, state law permits it to claim that all aspects of its investigation are secret (priviledged) and non-discoverable by the patient, their family or their attorney. If you want answers about a medical incident which seriously injured you or a loved one, there is only one avenue--an experienced attorney who specializes in medical malpractice litigation who knows how to use the system to discover the truth.
In spite of the secrecy that shields the carelessness and incompetency of healthcare professionals from public scrutiny consumer groups, professional associations, hospitals and medical schools have identified the role that medical misdeeds play in patient mortality and morbidity. In 1994, the Consumers Union reported that negligent doctors annually kill more than twice the number of Americans killed by firearms and twice the number of those killed in auto accidents. A landmark 1991 study published in The New England Journal of Medicine suggests that 120,000 patients die each year at least partly as a result of errors in medical care. A 1995 study demonstrated that mistakes in administering drugs-giving the wrong drug or the wrong dose-occur on the average of about once for every hospital admission, mostly without ill effects, but 1% of the time with serious consequences.
We believe that our system serves a greater good when those who are responsible for doing harm are held accountable and injuries and damages are assessed against the party who did harm, rather than the burden, expense, and needs of are fully and fairly compensated, rather than left to the government or local taxpayers to pay the bill.
Board Certified Medical Malpractice Lawyer - American Board of Professional Liability Attorneys
Jim M Perdue Esq
Perdue & Kidd LLP
4 Oaks Place
1330 Post Oak Blvd #1800
Houston TX 77056-3010
Tel: 713 520-2500; 800 520-1749
Fax: 713 520-2525
E-mail: jperdue@perdueandkidd.com
