H Miles Cohn
Texas Litigation Lawyers
We focus our practice on civil litigation, including commercial disputes and bankruptcy as well as personal injury and insurance litigation. We have extensive experience in the trial of disputes involving property, medical and legal malpractice, products liability, premises liability, automobile liability, construction defects, and intentional torts such as employment discrimination, assault, battery, false imprisonment, and malicious prosecution. We are also experienced in appellate practice, in both state and federal courts, business bankruptcy and creditors' rights, and insurance coverage issues including E&O coverage for insurance agents and accountants.
Board Certified, Business Bankruptcy - American Board of Certification
H Miles Cohn
Scheiness, Scott, Grossman & Cohn LLP
1001 McKinney St #1400
Houston TX 77002
Tel: 713 374-7020
Fax: 713 374-7049
Practice Areas: Commercial Bankruptcy; Creditors' Rights; Commercial Litigation; Real Estate; Oil and Gas Law; Appellate Practice
