DeGuerin & Dickson
DeGuerin & Dickson
The Republic Building
1018 Preston Avenue
Seventh Floor
Houston, TX 77002
Ph. (713) 223-5959
Fx. (713) 223-9231
Intoxication Offenses
Harris County DWI Criminal Lawyers
DeGuerin & Dickson has handled some of the most serious criminal cases in the State of Texas, from murder to drug trafficking. But we also defend clients against more common criminal charges, such as driving while intoxicated (DWI) and driving under the influence (DUI). We have had great success in getting such charges reduced or dismissed.
We handle alcohol- and drug-related driving cases, from drunk driving to intoxication manslaughter. We know that a DWI can seriously effect on a person's life, especially when professional licensure, a job, or a reputation is at stake. We are there when you need us most.
Contact our Houston law firm to schedule a consultation with a defense lawyer or call (713) 223-5959. We are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to answer calls. Se habla español.
Avoid a DWI Conviction with Aggressive Defense
If you have been charged with DWI, the first thing you face is losing your driver's license administratively. You must request an administrative license revocation proceeding (ALR) hearing within 15 days from the date of your arrest to prevent your drivers' license from being automatically suspended.
Even if you "win" at the administrative hearing, your license can still be suspended in the criminal case.
At DeGuerin & Dickson, your defense lawyer aggressively examines all angles of the case, such as:
Did the police have a legal basis to stop you?
Did the police have a legal basis to have you perform tests?
Did the police have a legal basis to arrest you?
Did the police properly inform you of your constitutional rights?
Were the breath or field tests properly administered?
Did you voluntarily and knowingly provide a breath, blood, or urine sample?
Expect a Thorough Investigation and Defense
Contact our Houston law office to learn more or call 713-223-5959. Our trial attorneys represent clients in intoxication cases in Harris County and across Texas.
© 2010 by DeGuerin & Dickson. All rights reserved
