Christopher J Downey
Clear Your Record : Criminal Defense Attorney
* Alcohol Related Offenses
* Drug/Narcotics Offenses
* Theft and Fraud Related Offenses
* Assaultive Offenses
* Sexual Offenses
* Federal Offenses
* Expunctions/Record Sealing
Mr. Downey has successfully represented individuals and corporations in all stages of criminal prosecution. Drawing on his extensive experience as a former Harris County prosecutor and seasoned defense attorney, he and his staff can provide each client with a detailed course of action to address the problem at hand. Whether the problem you face is an accusation, investigation, indictment, or post-conviction appeal, The Downey Law Firm can provide you or your company with the guidance and representation you need to navigate the road ahead.
Downey Law Firm
2814 Hamilton St
Houston TX 77004
Tel: 713 651-0400
Fax: 713 395-1311
Mr. Downey is Board Certified in Criminal Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.
Mr. Downey undertakes all criminal cases with an eye toward obtaining a dismissal of all charges. He educates all of his clients as to the nature of the charges they face and the legal ramifications of any outcomes that might occur. He has successfully defended citizens accused of a wide range of charges including virtually all types of felonies and misdemeanors.
