Balcom Law Firm PC
Houston Texas Commercial Law Firm
While we specialize in lender representation in the collection of defaulted loans through such means as foreclosure, sequestrations, bankruptcy and commercial litigation, this collection practice can be divided between two broad categories of cases: consumer and commercial.
Consumer foreclosure cases for example, tend to be fairly routine and lend themselves to a systematized process while commercial foreclosure cases are rarely routine. In fact, commercial foreclosures usually involve non-standard, negotiated forms and large sums of money making them far more complex and subject to litigation than residential loans.
Although commercial foreclosures and residential foreclosures are governed by essentially the same foreclosure laws, foreclosure of a multi-million dollar office building is usually considerably more complex than the typical residential foreclosure.
Our collection practice in the consumer area is typically high volume representation of large mortgage companies or mortgage servicers. Our practice with respect to consumer matters is described in the lender services section.
This section describes all areas of our practice other than our high volume consumer collection practice. This section describes, for example, our Chapter 11, (business bankruptcy) practice as well as our commercial foreclosure practice among other topics.
The lawyers at Balcom Law Firm in Houston, Texas are experienced and successful in commercial law. Contact us today for an evaluation of your case.
* Banking & Finance Law
* Bankruptcy, Chapter 11
* Business and Commercial Law
* Business Organizations
* Collections
* Commercial Litigation
* Construction Law
* Contracts
* Debtor & Creditor Law
* Eminent Domain
* Environmental Law
* Foreclosures, Commercial
* Landlord & Tenant
* Land Use & Zoning
* Litigation and Appeals
* Natural Resource Laws
* Probate & Estate
* Real Estate
Balcom Law Firm represents both commercial clients and individuals in all proceedings and transactions that deal with real property - land and the structures attached to it - including purchase and sale, construction, mortgages and foreclosures, leases, zoning, title examinations, quiet title actions, closings, and property management.
Our Houston, Texas law firm is the real estate expert with in-depth experience. We can resolve your real estate concerns.
Balcom Law Firm PC
West Memorial Park #305
8584 Katy Fwy
Houston TX 77024
Tel: 800 605-7202
Fax: 713 464-8553
